While for its time, it was an awesome hack, we thought that we could do better and learn from its mistakes. It's quite a popular hack, but for anyone that has played it a while, you might be aware it has some bugs and other issues. Many of you might know Sonic 2 Battle Race. The layout loops and your spawn position is randomized. Instead, you have a set amount of time to get most points. SSZ & DEZ2: This is like Battle Race, but there is no goal.At each location, some enemies will come down, which you will have to defeat before advancing. LBZ1: Your mission is to destroy more badniks than your friend.Robotnik monitors can't kill you or make you lose rings, but can be annoying and could knock you into a pit. The more rings you have, the more bounces you can use. Try to make your friend fall in, but avoid falling in yourself.

As you get rings, you are able to use the bubble shield, to destroy the ground.

As time goes by, more explosions will fall from the sky at once. Sometimes, monitors will pop off the ground, and you can pick them up.