Participants (N = 101) were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions neutral video game-offline, neutral video game-online, violent video game-offline and violent video game-online.

Little is known, however, as to the effect of playing a violent video game online. Previous research, utilising the General Aggression Model (GAM), has identified that violent video games increase levels of aggression. Technological advancements in game play experience including the ability to play online has accounted for this increase in popularity. Currently violent video games are among the most popular video games played by consumers, most specifically First-Person Shooters (FPS). In recent years the video game industry has surpassed both the music and video industries in sales. The results of this study suggest that specialist nurses can provide Behavior Therapy to high school students who are addicted to online games, while parents and teachers should provide tighter supervision of the habits of playing games for their children or students. Results: The results showed that there was a significant between online game addiction and violent behavior (significant value 0.002 <0.05) with a weak correlation (R = 0.357). Data were analyzed using Linear Regression. A sample of 73 students was taken using the Simple Random Sampling technique.

Method: This type of research is an analytical study with a cross sectional approach. Research Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between online game addiction and violent behavior in high school students in Sorong City in 2018. If a quick calculation from 2175 students in 3 high schools, there are about 271 students who often play online games. According to the results of an interview at one of the best high schools, there are about 1 in 4 students often playing Online Games. According to research by Jap et al (2013), as many as 10.5% or 150 of the total 1477 students combined from SMP and SMA in 4 cities in Indonesia (Manado, Medan, Pontianak, and Yogyakarta) have found addiction to online games. Background: Online games are one of game that is connected via a network, can be played anytime, anywhere, can be played in groups anywhere (Bobby Bodenheimer, 1999).